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General information
ShipModel Sport International Federation or SMSIF is an international public sports organization which unites all disciplines of ship modeling sport and all types of ship model building.
The Federation founder countries are Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan. The SMSIF headquarters is located in Moscow Region (Russia).
SMSIF is based on the membership of national ship modeling sport federations which have ratified the SMSIF Charter and whose membership has been acknowledged by the Federation.
Official SMSIF languages: Russian, English. Should any questions arise while interpreting sports Rules and any SMSIF documents, the Russian version is legally overriding.
SMSIF objectives:
Work organization in SMSIF
SMSIF administrative body includes:
SMSIF Conference is the supreme governing body of the Federation. The SMSIF Presidium is obliged to convene the Conference at least once in every 4 years.
Only authorized representatives of SMSIF collective members and SMSIF Presidium members may participate in the Conference. Each national member federation has only one vote at the Conference.
The Conference defines priority areas of SMSIF activities, the principles underlying creating and exploiting its assets, determines and approves the SMSIF structure; decides upon the number of Presidium members and elects them; reviews and approves reports on President’s and Presidium activities as well as other SMSIF administrative units; defines the admission procedure for new SMSIF members; decides upon the annual membership fee and its payment procedure; makes decisions on other questions within its exclusive authority and considers proposals from national member federations related to ship model sport development. If necessary, it is possible to apply information communication technologies to conduct the Conference.
SMSIF Presidium chaired by the President is responsible for current SMSIF activities in between the Conference meetings. Presidium members are elected by the Conference for a 4-year office term; the Conference also determines the number of Presidium members. The Presidium elects the President, Executive Director and Executive Secretary from the Presidium members. Should the Conference deem it necessary, the Presidium may also include Vice-Presidents.
The Presidium functions include:
Following the Presidium decision, SMSIF may include various commissions to perform ongoing activities:
Sports models categories
SMSIF organizes competitions in the following categories of models:
More about categories of models...►
SMSIF membership advantages
SMSIF national member federations (if there is no such national federation in a country, then SMSIF member clubs) are exclusively entitled to organize World Championships and Cups, Continental Championships and Cups that are held under SMSIF auspices. SMSIF will fully support the organizer in selecting referees and generally arranging the above mentioned events.
SMSIF provides for two membership categories:
SMSIF can accept only one national ship model sport federation per country as its collective member.
Apart from national federations, SMSIF may accept organizations (among others, sports clubs) and individuals who practically facilitate ship model sport promotion.
An SMSIF candidate member should apply for membership to the SMSIF Presidium. Candidates are accepted at the Presidium meeting and later approved at the SMSIF Conference, following the decision made by the public association or an application from the individual candidate member. Collective members participate in SMSIF activities through their authorized representatives.
Membership fee
The annual membership fee is decided upon by the SMSIF Conference.
SMSIF Authorities
Dmitriy Kalmykov, President
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Sergey Okonechnikov, Executive Secretary
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Dmitriy Spitsin, Executive Director
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