SMSIF General Rules
The General International Competitions Rules define general requirements for the organization of the Shipmodel Sport International Federation (SMSIF) competitions. They stand above the class (discipline) rules.
► General International Competitions Rules of SMSIF
SMSIF International Sports Referees Rules
The level of international sports referees’ expertise to determines to a large extent proper organization of world and continental championships and other international competitions, compliance with the rules at these events and accuracy of results. Thanks to their high level of expertise, experience and sound decisions, international sports referees make sure that competitors’ results are correctly defined, assessed and confirmed.
SMSIF International Sports Referees Rules regulate referees’ preparation, forming refereeing commissions, choosing referees for international competitions.
► SMSIF International Referee Rules (project)
SMSIF Disciplines/Classes Competition Rules
Sports models of ships and vessels are divided into categories, each including a number of disciplines/classes of models. This division depends on the type of models, their competition objectives, type of engine or its working capacity. This distinction is clearly reflected in the names of classes. SMSIF Rules document the way names of classes should be written and abridged.
SMSIF organizes competitions in the following categories of models:
More about categories of models…...►
SMSIF has developed and adopted competition rules for each model category/discipline:
► SMSIF Rules for NS Disciplines\Classes
► SMSIF Rules for C Disciplines\Classes
► SMSIF Rules for S Disciplines\Classes (project)
► SMSIF Rules for A/B Disciplines\Classes
► SMSIF Rules for M Disciplines\Classes (in progress)
► SMSIF Rules for FSR Disciplines\Classes (in progress)