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The Shipmodeling Sport World Cup among NS (scaled radio-controlled) and M (speed models) finished on 25 July 2023 in Staraya Kupavna (Moscow Region, Russia). It was the major shipmodeling event in the current sports season and it saw over 160 competitors from 10 European and Asian countries: Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Israel and Moldova…

Protocol of Shipmodeling Sport World Cup in NS and M Categories

Protocol of Shipmodeling Sport Junior World Cup in NS and M Categories

Video: Speed models racing at World Cup-2023

Competition photo report

The modelers competed both in junior and senior categories, with seniors bringing over 200 models, and juniors – over 150.

The World Cup took place at the rowing base in Staraya Kupavna where two start places had been installed. The competition schedule had to be adjusted to quite unfavourable weather conditions. While the first day was very intense for the NS Category (it involved the judges’ seminar and the static evaluation), competitors in M Classes were not so lucky. Some races had to be cancelled due to heavy rain and wind blasts. Nevertheless, thanks to well-coordinated and highly professional work of referee teams the competition was held in full in all disciplines, only the schedule was compressed to accommodate all runs and races. The start places were well-located so that modelers could compete simultaneously at both places without causing any inconvenience for each other. Such arrangement was also beneficial for the spectators as they could enjoy watching the competition at two starts at the same time.

It is worth mentioning the fact that compared to the previous CIS championship, the number of models in NS Classes (models-copies) has increased as well as the competitors’ craftsmanship. This time, obtaining at least 95 points for the static evaluation and 100 (!) points at the starts did not guarantee the coveted first place (especially for F2 and F4 Classes). All classes announced by the organizer competed at the World Cup, including quite challenging and spectacular functional F6 and F7 Classes. In order to precisely define winners and prize-winners in F4-A Class, the referees even had to resort to re-runs. Modelers in M Category had to struggle seriously to get to the top of the standings. Several speed models collided and some were even lost during the races. And it is not surprising: with models running at 100 kph, even the most experienced racer may not manage to divert the model in time to avoid breaking into another boat…

And just a few words about the participants’ everyday life. For the most part, modelers and judges were accommodated the “East Gate Hotel” in Balashikha, a city just 16 km away from the competition venue. This allowed to resolve certain problems with logistics and catering and provided an opportunity for easy communication and experience exchange among colleagues when they were off starts.

The ShipModel Sport International Federation (SMSIF) would like to express its gratitude to the Federation of Shipmodeling Sport of Russia for the excellent competition organization.

Finally, one can unmistakably say that the World Cup-2023 in NS and M Categories became a large and well-represented forum uniting genuine masters who are proud to call themselves ship modelers!

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