“Minsk Grand Prix-2023” includes Belarus Open Championship and Belarus Junior Open Championship in FSR Category (radio-controlled racing boats) and F5-E Category (radio-controlled yachts). It allows international participation and will take place from 1 September 2023 to 3 September 2023. Organizers: DOSAAF Central Committee, DOSAAF Water Sports School, Belarusian Federation of Ship Modeling Sport. Location: Kurasovshchina Park (F5-E), Komsomolskoe Ozero (FSR), Minsk, Belarus...
Sports teams and individual competitors (in personal standings) from other countries are welcome to participate along with Belarusian sports teams and groups. The number of participants per team is not limited. Each modeler may compete in any number of classes. As for juniors, modelers who were born in 2005 at the earliest are entitled to participate in the event.
Please forward your preliminary applications at the email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (for FSR Classes) and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (for F5-E) or at DOSAAF Water Sports School at the address: 7 Ignatenko Str., Minsk 220035, Belarus, fax: +375(17)3782552. The application deadline is 20 August 2023. You can find the competition schedule, application form, information about start fees and other participation requirements in the Competition Regulations.