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Another major shipmodeling event took place in Minsk (Belarus) from 14 June 2024 to 16 June 2024. This time, the city hosted “Navigation-2024”, an international shipmodeling competition and Belarussian championship/junior championship among C Category static models and NS Category scaled radio-controlled models …

Protocol of "Navigation-2024" International Competition

The competition took place in two venues, one inside the DOSAAF Training Center, another at Komsomolskoe Lake. In total, 129 competitors from Belarus, Russia, Lithuania, Germany and Turkey arrived at the international event bringing all in all 234 (!) models. Both beginners and renowned experienced modelers were competing inside the training center rooms and on water. It is worth noting that “Navigation-2024” sports forum is comparable to European championships as regards the number of participants and their models.

The international jury panel (comprising 19 referees led by Dmitriy Kalmykov, SMSIF President acting as Chief Referee) had to assess practically all classes of models which are being developed by the ShipModel Sport International Federation. Among static models, the competition was especially serious in C-2 Classes (models of ships with mechanical propulsion), C-3 (cross-section models, dioramas and series of models), C-6 (plastic kit models), C-7 (paper kit models) and C-8 Classes (models from wooden and combined kits). As for the scaled radio-controlled models, nearly all their classes were present. But the struggle was particularly tough in F-2А and F-2В/С, F-4А, F-4С, NSS-А Classes. For the first time, F-DS models (models of ships equipped with steam engines) competed in Minsk. Many models ran very close to each other ready to qualify for top scores.

Winners in static classes at “Navigation-2024” International Competition are:

  • С-1 - Yuri Matyushkin (Vitebsk, Belarus) with his “Newport” schooner which was awarded 94.0 points;
  • С-2 - Artyom Krashevnikov (Moscow, Russia) whose “Sysoy Velikiy” battleship won 96.0 points;
  • С-3А - Alexander Kovalchuk (Minsk, Belarus), “Riurik” cruiser, 97.67 points;
  • С-3В/С - Vitaliy Makhorskiy (Minsk, Belarus) with his “Najad” frigate winning 98.67 points;
  • С-4А/В – Alexander Kovalchuk (Minsk, Belarus), “Aurora” cruiser, 98.67 points;
  • С-4С - Ignat Yaroshenko (Minsk, Belarus), monitors, 97.67 points;
  • С6-А - Oleg Khotko (Minsk, Belarus) with his “Kongo” battleship winning 99.0 points;
  • С6-В - Oleg Khotko (Minsk, Belarus), “Missouri” battleship, 97.33 points;
  • С-6С - Alexander Kovalchuk (Minsk, Belarus), whose diorama of “Aurora” cruiser was awarded 98.33 points;
  • С-7А - Oleg Khotko (Minsk, Belarus), “Sovremennyy” destroyer, 98.67 points;
  • С-7В - Ignat Yaroshenko (Minsk, Belarus), “Viribus Unitis” battleship, 97.67 points;
  • С-7С – Artur Nazarenko (Minsk, Belarus), diorama of “Smerch” monitor, 89.33 points;
  • С-8А – Alexey Busel (Minsk, Belarus), “Polotsk” schooner, 94.33 points;
  • С-8В – Vladimir Volkov (Saint Petersburg, Russia), fishing boat, 93.67 points.

While the C Category models were being evaluated, scaled radio-controlled models were starting at Komsomolskoe Lake, just within walking distance from the Training Center. Although the weather frequently changed, the start schedule remined quite busy so the competitors had no time to lean back and relax. The heated struggle in F2-A and F-4A Classes involved 17 and 24 modelers correspondingly. Nevertheless, the winners in these classes are:

  • F2-A – Artyom Krashevnikov (Moscow, Russia), “Sysoy Velikiy” battleship, 194.0 points;
  • F2-B/C – Andrey Baburin (Smolensk, Russia), “Poti” trawler, 194.67 points;
  • F-4A – Fyodor Gerashchenko (Smolensk, Russia), speedboat, 100.0 points;
  • F-4B – Vladimir Volkov (Saint Petersburg, Russia), fishing boat, 187.67 points;
  • F-4C – Elena Zhornik (Moscow, Russia), “Moskva” cruiser, 185.0 points;
  • F-DS – Chingiz Sizov (Moscow, Russia), “Aktif” tugboat, 285.0 points.

“Navigation-2024” International Competition also included radio-controlled models of sailing ships (NSS). This is a relatively novel shipmodeling direction in Belarus which is developing in DOSAAF Water Sports School led by Yuri Ermakov as coach. The NSS Classes were scheduled to run on the final day of the championship and in spite of the heavy rain, real NSS heroes did not miss their awards. Thus, the top yachtsmen are:

  • NSS-A - Olga Ermakova (Minsk, Belarus), "Alinghi III" yacht, 188.0 points;
  • NSS-B - Daniil Prokopov (Smolensk, Russia), “Amelia” yacht, 193.0 points;
  • NSS-D - Olga Ermakova (Minsk, Belarus), "Banque Populaire VI" trimaran, 193.33 points.

It is most gratifying to see that over half of the competing models belong to junior competitors. “Navigation-2024” sports forum was large and well-represented, being the major C and NS competition in the current sports season. Besides, the event worked as a platform for discovering many new and deserving models which the spectators could see for the first time.

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